The Myrtleford Men's Shed is located at 161 Standish Street MYRTLEFORD 3737
OPEN :- Tuesday, & Thursday 8.30 am to 3 pm and Saturday morning 9.00am to 11.00am.
Lunch:- Second and Forth Tuesday in the month​
CLOSED :- Public Holidays. The Shed is closed between Christmas Eve and New Years Day
For information contact Secretary Clive
Phone No. (03) 5751 9416 Shed hours or 0419 437 964.
The Men's Shed Story
The shed holds an important place in Australian culture as a reservoir of memories and experiences and as place to share skills and socialise.
Good health is based on factors including self-esteem, feeling productive and valuable to society, having social relationships, and being active.
Many retired people have had to downsize their living arrangements, often resulting in the man's personal space (usually the garden shed or workshop) being lost.
At the Myrtleford Men's Shed men come and share a fantastic variety of tools, keep pursuing their interests, learn new skills or keep old skills honed and active. Men can feel viable and vigorous by contributing to community needs and create projects of personal interest and expertise.​
​The Myrtleford Men's Men’s Shed provides a place for men – including retired men; men who are no longer able to work due to health/disability reasons, men that have shift rosters that allow attendance at the shed on their time off - to gather together to:
• talk
• share skills
• swap ideas
• solve problems
• discuss life
Who runs the shed?
The shed is run by the men who use it. A Management Committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm and all members are welcome to attend and have input to these meetings. Committee membership is voluntary and election of officers is held at the Annual General Meeting.
President: Neville Leonard
Vice President: Barry Corlis
Secretary / Treasurer: Clive Walker
Committee Members: Eddie Hoffmann; Barny Gambold; Kevin Dinneen; George McPherson; Fred Neal and Trevor Isherwood.
Myrtleford Men's shed is registered with both the Australian & Victorian Men’s Shed Associations.